Property Codes Enforcement

Springettsbury Township employs a part time Codes Enforcement Officer whose primary duties are to investigate complaints or reports of violations related to property maintenance. Some of the common issues that are dealt with include: 

  • Improper setbacks of fencing, swimming pools, decks, sheds, and patios;
  • Concerns related to location, size, and type of signs
  • Vehicles parking on grass such as cars, RV’s, farming tractors, construction equipment, and boats; abandoned and junk vehicles;
  • Nuisance conditions at residential homes, businesses, and buildings such as excessive weeds, tall grass, sidewalk clearing, trash, dilapidated building s, and unsafe structures.

Any property owner found to be in violation of the Township’s codes is asked to correct the situation voluntarily. The determination that a violation exists may, under some conditions, be appealed to the Zoning Hearing Board. 

If a violation is not corrected, the Township may pursue legal action in accordance with the Code of Ordinances. This could result in monetary fines imposed by the District Magistrate for each violation.