Yard Waste
Yard waste is material such as tree trimmings, shrubbery and other organic landscape vegetation, excluding grass clippings, fruits/vegetables, tree stumps, dirt/stones. Yard waste will be collected in a maximum of five (5) foot lengths once per week on your regular collection day (beginning the first week of March and concluding the first week of December) by one of the following methods – bundled; placed in a biodegradable Kraft or other paper bag; placed in maximum 32-gallon container with a Township approved brush identification sticker. Brush stickers can be obtained at the Township Administration Office for $.50 each.
Yard Waste Guidelines - From Penn Waste
How to Prepare Yard Waste:
- Place yard waste in biodegradable brown paper bags, bundle it with biodegradable twine in easy-to-handle bundles.
- Bundles may be no longer than 5-feet in length
- Bundles may not weigh more than 30 pounds each
- Bundles may not exceed 6 inches in diameter
- Yard waste may also be placed in a reusable 32-gallon container that has a Township approved brush sticker - available at Township office for $0.50. The sticker can be reused as long as it is legible.
- Once prepared, yard waste must be placed at the curb on scheduled pick up day before 6:30 am.
- An unlimited number of bags, bundles or containers with brush stickers, may be placed at the curb each week during the collection period (March - 1st week in December)
- Do NOT place these items out for yard waste collection: grass clippings, fruits and vegetables, tree stumps, dirt & stones.
- Yard waste placed in plastic bags will not be collected.
- Please do not combine yard waste and recycling materials.
- Do not use the 96-gallon toters provided by Penn Waste for yard waste. Yard Waste containers should be no larger than a 32-gallon container.
- Questions about Yard Waste? 1-866-575-8720 or www.pennwaste.com