Residential Trash and Recycling Guidelines

Effective January 1, 2023, Penn Waste, Inc. is the residential hauler for Springettsbury Township. 

Penn Waste may be contacted at 717-767-4456.   

Springettsbury Residential Trash and Recycling Collection Program

For additional information visit:  or 

 Services Offered:
  • 1-3 ea. 32 gallon trash bag or trash can per week plus recycling pick-up. 


  • 1-96 gallon toter equal to 3-32 gallon trash bags or trash cans per week plus recycling pick-up. 
  • Cost per quarter = $98.40 as of January 1, 2025 for either container option - This cost includes the Penn Waste bid price, plus the Township administration fee of $5/quarter, and the 2025 tipping fee increase of $1.04 from York County Solid Waste.
  • Extra waste bags may be purchased at the Township Municipal Building or by calling Penn Waste at 767-4456.  Currently, the fee per bag is $2.75; beginning January 1, 2023 the fee per extra waste bag is $5.00. The Board of Supervisors approved Resolution No. 2022-45 at their December 8, 2022 meeting.  Resolution No. 2022-45 revises the fee schedule for the price of extra trash bags (effective January 1, 2023) from $2.75 to $5.00 each.
  • Yard waste will be collected in four (4) foot lengths once per week (The first week of March through the first week of December). Acceptable yard waste materials: tree trimmings, shrubbery and other organic landscape vegetation. Unacceptable yard waste materials: grass clippings, fruits/vegetables, tree stumps, dirt/stones. Yard waste may be placed curbside - bundled, placed in a biodegradable paper bag, or placed in a maximum size 32-gallon container with a Township approved brush sticker.  Brush stickers can be obtained at the Township Municipal Building for $0.50 each and are reusable.
  • One large bulk item can be disposed of once per trash day.
  • The Covered Device Recycling Act (Act 108) prohibits the acceptance of “covered devices” including televisions, e-readers, desktop and laptop computers, computer monitors and computer peripherals (keyboard, mouse, printer and speakers) at all Pennsylvania solid waste disposal facilities and also prohibits residents from placing them at the curb for waste pickup. For a list of resources to legally dispose of electronic waste visit the York County Solid Waste Authority’s website at
One large bulk item can be disposed of  per trash day, residents are required to contact Penn Waste, 717-767-4456, to schedule the one large item collection at least one day prior to their normal collection day.
  • Appliances
  • Carpet 48” maximum length rolled and tied
  • Furniture
  • Mattresses and box springs
  • Car tires only (must be off rims)
  • Discarded lawnmowers must have gasoline and      motor oil removed
  • Plumbing fixtures - toilets, sinks
  • Washer and Dryer units


  • Television sets and electronic devices
  • Stains, Chemicals and Liquids
  • Automobile Parts
  • Household Hazardous Waste
  • Tires on Rims
  • Commercial/Industrial Waste
  • Construction Material or Debris: Drywall; Brick; Block; Treated Lumber; Roofing Shingles; Ceiling Tiles; Concrete; Doors; Windows. Small quantities of select materials may be accepted at the Resource Recovery Center. Fees may be applied. Call before visiting - 717-845-1066.


Penn Waste Accepts Unlimited Amounts of Recycling! 

Metal: Aluminum & Steel Cans

Glass:  Bottles and Jars: clear, brown, blue and green glass

Plastic: #1, #2, #5 

Cardboard:  Dry & Flatten, NO Food Contact

Newspaper: Clean & Dry, No Food Contact

Cartons: Juice, Milk, Alternative Milk, Soup/Broth, Wine, Egg Substitutes and Cream.


  • Remove all packaging materials (Styrofoam, peanuts, plastic bubble wrap, plastic liners, etc.)
  • Flatten ALL boxes
  • Bundle all cardboard that does not fit into the recycling bin
  • Cover loose paper with heavier items to prevent it from blowing away. If the weather forecast calls for high winds or wet weather, keep your paper recyclables until the next week. Wet paper products are difficult to process.
  • It is OK to leave on labels, neck rings
  • Remove caps and place in trash
  • Rinse thoroughly to remove all contaminants
  • Please dispose of any liquids in items before placing in recycling bins


Holiday Collection Schedule

Penn Waste observes New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. When your collection day is on or after a holiday, collections will be delayed by one day. Example: Memorial Day falls on a Monday. Collection schedule this week is Tuesday through Saturday. Thanksgiving falls on a Thursday. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday collections will not change. Thursday and Friday collections will move to Friday and Saturday. EXCEPTION: If holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, there is no change in service prior to or after the holiday.


  • Shredded Paper (acceptable as trash)
  • Clothing (acceptable as trash or donate)
  • Food/Liquids (acceptable as trash)
  • Needles & Medical Waste – DO NOT place used needles or any other medical waste with recycling! This is a serious health hazard to everyone.
  • Windows, mirrors, ceramics, drinking glasses, light bulbs or broken glass (acceptable as trash)
  • Aluminum foil (acceptable as trash)
  • Food soiled or  wet materials including paper and cardboard (acceptable as trash)
  • Styrofoam, packing peanuts, bubble wrap (acceptable as trash)
  • Pool chemicals (Hazardous Waste Guidelines apply)
  • Hose (acceptable as trash)
  • Diapers (acceptable as trash)
  • Scrap Metal (see below)
  • Plastic Bags (see below or place in trash)
  • Paperboard products such as toilet paper/paper towel rolls, cereal boxes, tissue boxes (acceptable as trash)


  • Used Oil from vehicles can often be disposed of at auto shops or agencies selling auto supplies.
  • Unacceptable metal items can often be disposed of through various Metal Recyclers or Scrap Metal facilities in the area.
  • Plastic Bags - from all stores - can be recycled at many grocery stores.
  • Tires can be quartered and taken to York County Solid Waste Authority - a fee may be required, call for additional information.
  • Additional information can be found by visiting York County Solid Waste Authority's website, or contacting Penn Waste, 717-767-4456
  • It is always recommended to call a facility first to see what their policies are regarding accepting materials. 
  • Continental Paper Grading (CPG) accepts magazines, junk mail, catalogs, cereal boxes, and books for paper recycling. Drop off these materials at CPG 3350 Concord Road, York, Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.


  The Covered Devices Recycling Act (Act 108) prohibits residents and businesses from placing electronics waste at the curb or in their trash.  Covered devices include: desktop computers, laptops, monitors, computer peripherals (keyboard, mouse, printer and speakers), televisions and e-readers that browse the internet. For a list of resources to legally dispose of electronic waste visit the York County Solid Waste Authority’s website at


The York County Solid Waste Authority (YCSWA) has a FREE Residential Electronics Recycling Program open to York County residents. Collection will be conducted Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and on Saturdays from 8:00 am - noon, at the Small Load Drop-off Facility at the York County Resource Recovery Center, 2651 Blackbridge Road. For the most up-to-date information, please contact YCSWA 717-845-1066 or 




Please have your waste, recycling and large item available for collection at curbside by 6:00 a.m. on your collection day, but no earlier than 4:00 p.m. the day prior to pick up.  Empty containers must be removed within 24 hours after collection. No items may be placed at curbsides that are too heavy to be lifted into a truck by two people. Additional trash bags are NOT considered a bulk item.