Tax Collector (Elected 4-Year Term)
Gena Dwyer
Tern Expires: December 31, 2025
Please select from the links below to find out more information about other Township Officials, including the tax collector, solicitors, engineers and more.
Gena Dwyer
Tern Expires: December 31, 2025
York Adams Tax Bureau - Employer Accounts Dept. for Earned Income Tax
Phone: 717-812-0759 or Email:
Employer Accounts Dept. for Tax Collection Services and Mercantile/Business Privilege Tax:
Phone: 717-854-8084 or Email:
John Luciani, P.E. of First Capital Engineering, Inc.
48 South Richland Avenue
York, PA 17404
Diana Young, P.E. of Buchart-Horn, Inc.
445 W. Philadelphia Street
P.O. Box 15040
York, PA 17405
James R. Sanders, Esquire
MPL Law Firm, LLP
96 South George Street
Fifth Floor
York, PA 17401
York Area United Fire and Rescue (YAUFR)
Battalion Chief Joseph Madzelan 717-718-2383
Term Expires: December 31, 2025
Term Expires: December 31, 2029
Term Expires: December 31, 2027